jeudi 17 décembre 2015

Open Season (Une autre saison) - Josef Salvat lyrics

Since my previous post I've found out a bit more about Josef (yeah I know I'm a bit behind the times) and I discovered he's Australian! The fact that he's Australian and sings in French makes me like him even more.

Apart from being unbelievably talented he seems like a humble and cool guy. So I read online he said he was studying law and didn't finish his studies, and moved to London where he was discovered. He moved to France for a year when he was 15 (with his parents) and liked studying French which is why he incorporates French lyrics in some of his songs (and this move seems to have paid off as it seems (to me) to have doubled his number of fans). His French fans are crazy about him judging by his Facebook page!

Here is another song of his where he released a bilingual version.


Open Season (Une autre saison) - Josef Salvat

We used to have it all planned,
We thought we knew what it all looked like
We were looking out, on the greatest view

On a pas vu les limites
On a pas vu qu'on allait trop vite
Nous voilà devant l'inconnu
Et on file à des années lumières
De tout ce qui nous retenait hier
Seuls dans la nuit
On est seuls dans la nuit

(We haven't seen the limits
We haven't seen that we were going too fast
Here we are facing the unknown
And light years fly by
From all that we retained yesterday
Alone at night
We are alone at night)

On a jamais voulu changer de route
Tous les chemins ne nous menaient qu'à des doutes
Pas à Rome
Regarde où nous sommes

(We never wanted to change course
All the roads led us only to doubts
Not to Rome
Look where we are)

C'est une autre saison
Qu'il nous faudrait pour de bon
Pour repartir, mon amour
Le cœur moins lourd

(It's another season
that we needed for good
To leave, my love
with a lighter heart)

Just another season
Just another good reason
Change your mind and skin,

Let love take our word

Juste une autre saison
Juste une autre bonne raison
De changer d'avis et de peau, 
De laisser l'amour nous prendre au mot

(Just another season
Just another good reason
to change our minds and skin,
to let love take us to the word)

So I'll be needing you
And I know you'll be needing me too
We're in this game together
We're in this game together

And I believe in you
And I know you believe in me too,
We're in this game together
We're in this game together

Je me revois dans le rétroviseur
J'entends la voix des jours meilleurs
On a beau, faire les morts, foncer tout droit dans le décor*
On se perd on y peut rien, on le prend un peu comme ça vient*
Fallait-il qu'on s'aime, encore

(I can see myself in the rear-view mirror
I hear the voice from better days
Even if we keep doing nothing, keep going straight into the wall
we'll lose ourselves, we can't avoid it, we'll take it as it comes
Did we need to love each other, again?)

Car c'est une autre saison
Qu'il nous faudrait pour de bon
Pour repartir, mon amour
Le cœur moins lourd

(because it's another season
that we need for good
To leave, my love
with a lighter heart)

Juste une autre saison
Juste une autre bonne raison
De changer d'avis et de peau, 
De laisser l'amour nous prendre au mot

(Just another season
Just another good reason
to change our minds and skin,

to let love take us to the word)

So I'll be needing you
And I know you'll be needing me too
We're in this game together
We're in this game together

And I believe in you
And I know you believe in me too,
We're in this game together
We're in this game together

So I believe in you
So I'll be needing you
And I know you'll be needing me too
We're in this game together
We're in this game together

And I believe in you
And I know you believe in me too,
We're in this game together
We're in this game together
So I believe in you

* I asked a Frenchie to help translate these two lines for me and even he said it's difficult because of the expressions used here which have no direct translation in English. This was the best he came up with.

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