Last time I toured Paris with my friend who I'm now kinda trying to ignore because I realised my crush on him was getting out of hand and I'm just trying to forget him now.. still, I will always remember that day in Paris with him which was nothing short of perfect. Perfect weather, nice company, beautiful sights, ice cream, scooter ride, nothing could've stopped me that day from feeling anything other than utter bliss.
Unfortunately the weather for tomorrow is not looking as great as last time. I don't mind if it's overcast so long as it's not actively raining. Please God, Please don't let it rain. That will just remind me of my last trip to Lyon where it was freezing, windy and raining and it was late May.
Now I'm not going to Paris for the heck of it. I would be stupid to given the high(er) cost of last minute train tickets. I need to go there to do something and since I can't do it on Friday I have to go tomorrow (Thursday). Since I need to go back to my hometown in France on Friday I thought it would be stupid to come back to Geneva so I will stay the night in Paris, in the same hotel as the one I used last time! - Hotel de France Gare de Lyon Bastille.
I'm basically blowing all my savings on this trip but I don't care really. I really need to get away from Geneva because I'm not liking that being here just reminds me of all the bad stuff that's happened recently. It will be such a great diversion to go to Paris. I can't wait :) I wish I could take a proper holiday and go somewhere new but it's not meant to be at the moment.
Every time I've gone to Paris I've done and seen different things... what will I do this time? I'm not sure yet but I'm going to buy a day metro pass (which works out cheaper than the carnets of 10 tickets if you take the metro at least 4 times in one day).
Nothing makes me feel more ALIVE and happy than when I'm travelling. I think back fondly to my last three "overseas" trips - Germany, Barcelona and Italy and what a fantastic time I had, and if I go further back, all my trips around France. Those were the days... Unfortunately my life now doesn't allow me to go on trips so often anymore. It was just a fluke that I had 2 sets of public holidays in June!
Ideas for what I can do... after I've gotten the important stuff out of the way:
Check out the sales (and then get all depressed I can't really afford to buy much anyway)
Check out more macaron places!
Just walk around or sit outside at a café on a cane chair and people watch
Go to the cinéma and watch a film (something I haven't done since February or March)
Go to a museum I haven't been to yet
Go and sit in the Jardin du Luxembourg
Go back to the Eiffel tower for the fourth time
Take the metro to a random unknown stop and just walk around to see what's there
Try really really hard to be happy despite the weather (if it turns out bad) and my stresses over the past few weeks. :D
I'm just so happy to be going back to my beloved Paris. Even if it is only for 24 hours.
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