samedi 17 juillet 2010
Ella French Proficiency test online
Just when I thought I'd run out of good free online tests.. I found another!
Ella French test
From a Belgian language learning company, this test is separated into 4 parts it covers grammar, vocab and listening skills. It was a really good test, not too short and not too long and not too easy and not too hard!
My score - B2! Guess I'm going to be stuck at B2 for a while now until I do some hardcore studying and learn more complex grammar and vocab!
Test de niveau de français gratuit
Résultats de votre test de niveau en français
Vos connaissances actuelles correspondent au niveau Européen suivant: B2
Description du niveau atteint:
Vous pouvez comprendre l'essentiel de sujets concrets voire abstraits dans un texte complexe. Vous pouvez même participer à une discussion technique sur des sujets liés à votre domaine d'intérêt. Vous êtes capable de participer à une conversation avec un locuteur natif, avec une spontanéité et une aisance suffisantes pour ne pas créer de tension dans la communication. Vous pouvez faire des descriptions claires et détaillées sur un large éventail de sujets, donner votre avis sur l'actualité et exposer les avantages et les inconvénients de différentes options.
Your current knowledge corresponds to the following European level:B2
Description of level attained:
You can understand the essential elements of concrete and even abstract subjects in complex language. You can even intervene in technical discussions on subjects related to your field of interest. You are able to participate in a discussion with a native speaker with a sufficient degree of spontaneity and ease so as to avoid compromising the fluency of the communication. You can give clear and detailed descriptions on a wide variety of subjects, give your opinions on items of news and set out the advantages and disadvantages of different options.
PS I have been wanting to write some decent posts but they are quite time consuming and I've been exhausted with (still) being sick and in the middle of moving house! :( So I dunno when I'll have to do them but the first chance I get...
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mercredi 14 juillet 2010
ESL languages French proficiency test II
I did the same test that I did on 11 Sep 2009 and this time scored 39/40.
Résultats et Réponses du test
39 de 40 questions répondues correctement !
Votre niveau est approximativement avancé
Except I did the test from here but it's identical to the other one.
Last time (10 months ago) I scored 28/40.
Résultats et Réponses du test
39 de 40 questions répondues correctement !
Votre niveau est approximativement avancé
Except I did the test from here but it's identical to the other one.
Last time (10 months ago) I scored 28/40.
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proficiency test
dimanche 11 juillet 2010
Rest assured...
It's funny, that everyone (both French and non-French) keeps telling me how 'hard' French is and in some ways it is, but the vocab is pretty simple, mainly because there are sooooo many similar words with English (around 40% I hear).
So then I think to myself, "rester" in French means "to stay". "Stay assured" - there you go! I need French to explain an English phrase ;)
While looking for an image for this post, I found this logo from a bedding company which made me think the phrase has another meaning! "Rest assured" could mean that they assure you will get some rest. Totally different meaning! Ha. Don't you love language?
Rest assured I will have some posts for your soon. Before, I was about 5 posts behind and now I am probably 10 posts behind but you won't get 10 posts soon. If you are lucky you may get 1 or 2 but they will be good ones, I promise. Rest assured. :P