J'adore ce film. Il est extrêmement touchant. Il s'agit d'un homme et un garçon très différents qui deviennent amis. Le garçon de 17 ans est un réfugié kurde d'Iraq et l'homme est prof de natation à la piscine du quartier. Pendant ce film on voit la situation sensible des réfugiés et on voit aussi la situation entre le prof de natation et sa (ex) femme. C'est un film de rapports humains, je pense. L'histoire principale est que ce garçon veut nager et traverser la Manche pour aller en Angleterre et voir sa petite amie mais il y a beaucoup de problèmes qui passe. Comment peut-il le faire ? Va-t-il réussi ? Je ne parle plus de ce film, juste... Voyez-le !
J'ai aussi eu le plaisir de rencontrer le réalisateur, Philippe Lioret, à une séance de questions et de réponses, après ayant vu son film «Welcome».
This is a wonderful, touching and moving film about a boy, a 17 year old Kurdish refugee from Iraq, and his swimming teacher. However that's just on the surface. (surface, swimming, haha, get it?) On a deeper ( :P ) level, I feel that this is primarily a movie about human connections. We see the connection between the two protagonists, of course, but also between the swimming teacher and his (ex) wife, and between the boy and his girlfriend and other members of his 'posse'.
The main storyline is that this boy wants to swim across the English Channel to see his girlfriend in England. How will he do this? Will he make it? There is a lot to the story but I won't give it away. I will just say this: see it!
The movie is in 3 languages: English, Kurdish and French.
10/10 for sure.
There were 3 sessions of "Welcome" during the festival which had a Q & A session with the director, Philippe Lioret, and I had the pleasure of attending one of them. He answered audience members' questions after the film. I had thought of similar questions myself so it was good to hear his answers. He said a lot of interesting things such as how how he found the lead Kurdish actors (Bilal and his girlfriend Mina) who are siblings in real life and had never acted before. It was 'cute' when he couldn't think of how to say something in English, and he asked the (largely bilingual) audience for a translation. Sometimes the word he was looking for was the same word in French and in English!
On another note, watching the film made me have even more sympathy for the refugees, as well as the people who try to help them, especially after reading Emile Johnson's blog post.
Bande annonce
Entretien avec Philippe Lioret
imdb : Welcome
Premiere.fr : Welcome
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