I have sooooooo much to tell you guys and I have written up 3/4 of my post but I'd like to illustrate it with pictures (so I don't bore you with my rambling) so it might take a bit of time to get up here. I have had the best best best time in the south of France, with stunning views and perfect weather - not too cold and not too hot.
I have so many stories to share.
However, it wasn't all fun and games. I had to make a rush trip to Paris to take care of some very important matters and all shall be revealed very soon!!
I am unbelievably exhausted and have a billion things to do tonight on the computer, including planning lessons for classes tomorrow which start at 8am :(
À tout à l'heure !!
11:20pm: ARGH I think I'm gonna be up till 1am. So much to do... :( So f'ing tired...
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